Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We are now at our terminal in the Boston airport. It took a little while to clear security. Lately my rosary seems to be giving TSA some issues. I got a full pat down. I know I think the rosary is a weapon (against evil) but seriously TSA?!?

We left Portland in the drizzling rain. We boarded two buses. 68 pilgrims. It was great to see so many parents there to see the youth off. Michael Lavigne from the Office of Life Long Faith Foration greeted us in the name of the bishop. And then we were off. On the bus Sarah went over the itinerary. I'm excited to be in Fatima tomorrow. We played and "On the Bus Scavenger Hunt" to learn more about eachother. A few of the youth speak Spanish. at least two have never flown before. i found out that some snore- ill have to keep that in mind when planning my locaion for the evening vigil.

Right now we are waiting to board the flight to Madrid which departs in less than an hour. Some of the youth have ransacked Starbucks. Some of the adults are exchanging money. I went looking for a Sd card to ipad adapter because i forgot mine at home (may take me a while to get some photos up on the blog). some of the kids are reading. Tara and Lizzy are havinga conversation, several conversations, with me and i have been blogging and oblivious- how rude!!

ill check when we arrive in spain.